
Welcome to Miles of Yoga

When I am not occupied teaching, you can meet me here in the hours mentioned here below. Pass by and I'll make you a cup of tee. I look forward meeting you.

Mon & Wed 4.30-4.55 pm og 6.30-6.45 pm

+45 5389 0032 (best Mon-Fri: 12 am -2.30 pm) - or feel free to send a text for a quick reply

Søren Frichs Vej 36 G, lok. 09, 8230 Åbyhøj





Miles Ratledge

Founder of Ashtanga Yoga Shala // 27 years of experience with yoga forms // Authorized Ashtanga yogainstructor, Mysore, Indien // ”Lead trainer” at Yoga Training

Started practicing yoga and meditation in India in 1990. When I moved to Denmark, I was introduced Iyengar Yoga, which I practiced regularly. I took many in-depth courses and have taken a 3 year training (certified in 2003). In 1996, I met Ashtanga Yoga, which was a huge experience as I saw in this yoga form a great potential, both physically and mentally. Since then, Ashtanga Yoga has been my way of life. I met the yoga master, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in 2002 in London, and subsequently went to India for Ashtanga Yoga's source Mysore many times and obtained permission to teach(kypaji 2010). I was the first to...